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- A Thinking Generation: A Reason To Exist
- The Law of Life Series: Part 1
- Keep Getting Up!
- Feminism, Abortion and the Gospel (Sabbath School)
- What is Man’s Greatest Issue?
- Standing in the Crisis
- Law of Life Series - (Friday Oct. 18)
- Signs of the Times
- Left Behind
- Its Friday, Sunday is Coming
- The Spirit of Prophecy
- The Trinity Debate
- Modern Day Challenges to the Bible: Are all Bible Translations Equal?
- Secrets of Successful Mothers
- The Dating Game
- How to Have a Good Fight
- The Sabbath and our Children
- In-Laws & Outlaws
- The Family Altar
- Secrets of Successful Fathers
- The Fire of God
- Outpouring of Gods Gift
- The Message of Hope
- Self - Defense Bible Study
- The Lineage of Jesus
- The Passion of Faith
- Now is the Time Series
- Decoding the Book of Revelation
- Church of Ephesus
- Church of Smyrna
- To the Church in Pergamos
- Church of Thyatira
- Church in Sardis
- Church of Philadelphia
- Church of Laodicea
- Fight for Your Family
- The Pastor’s Prodigal Comes Home Part 1
- The Pastor’s Prodigal Comes Home Part 2
- The Day that Shook the World
- The Ministry of Deacons and Deaconesses
- If You Believe With All Your Heart
- Change of Heart
- Tears of Joy
- Hard Heads and Soft Hearts
- Why Do We Exist as a Church
- Third Angel's Message
- Second Angel's Message
- First Angel's Message
- When God Speaks - Elijah and the Fire of God
- When God Speaks-The Church Awakens
- When God Speaks - He Sends Messengers
- When God Speaks - Sodom and Gomorrah
- The Old & New Covenant in Christ
- Keep The Morning Watch
- What is Biblical Grace?
- What Is Faith?
- Myth's of the Law
- Adventurer Sabbath - When Kids Dream
- Breakout
- The Cross
- UCA Concert
- Pass The Baton
- Keeping Focus on Christ
- Standing on Principles
- Teens and Parents Seminar
- America in Bible Prophecy
- Help Wanted: Mothers Needed
- Being on the Same Page
- Perils and Privileges of Parenting
- The Family Altar 2
- The Generation Gap
- The Heart of a Father
- He Rises
- Victory Thru Christ
- Curating God's Art Collection
- Help My Unbelief
- Dress Adorned
- Three Things To Be Doing if I Believe Jesus Is Coming Back Soon
- Our Greatest Need Pt.1
- That They May Be One in Us
- Neither Do I Condemn Thee
- The Purposes of God
- Will the Real Gospel Please Stand Up?
- Unthinkable I
- The Matchless Love of God
- Playtime Is Over
- I Can See, Said the Blind Man!
- Covid, The Great Reset & The Third Angel's Message
- Power to Give Life
- Empowering Immune System
- Lessons From a Nameless Woman
- The Blueprint
- Missing The Mark
- Out of Egypt Have I Called My Son
- Atheism and Islam in Bible Prophecy
- Do You Do Feet?
- When God Turns Your Life Upside Down!
- The Gift Goes On...
- Spiritual Vertigo
- Fear vs... ?
- Preparation or Presumption?
- Religious Liberty - James & Risë Rafferty
- Liberty of Conscience Threatened - James Rafferty
- The Spirit of Liberty - James Rafferty
- Racism, Riots, and What Matters Most - Pastor Alvaro Sauza
- Increase our Faith - Vincent Onkoba
- Taking the High Road - Rob Lang: Pathfinder Sabbath
- Rescue From Outer Space - Louis Torres
- Life after "Rock Around the Clock" - Louis Torres
- Vespers 2-19-22
- Sabbath School - Wayne Blakely
- Shaken to the Foundation - Wayne Blakely
- All That Is Promised - Wayne Blakely
- Love Me or I'll Kill You - Lance Robbins
- "When God Marvels" - Pastor Alvaro Sauza
- Five Tools to Thrive During Trials and Tribulations - Lou Munilla
- Keeping the End in Mind Part 12: The River of Life - Gordon McGhee
- Resting with New Eyes - Lyle Harder
- Lesson From the Wilderness Part 1 - Nick Mazariegos
- Lesson From the Wilderness Part 2 - Nick Mazariegos
- A Call to Worship the God of Genesis - Stan Hudson
- Origin of Dinosaurs & the Oceans - Stan Hudson
- Behold Your Mother-Pastor Alvaro Sauza
- "Our High Calling" - Andrew Bikichky
- Is it Fake News or Good News? Don't Forget It! - Steve Wall
- Journey of Faith in Doubt - Surya Sarella
- Personal Testimonies - Sorin Ispirescu
- Division and Multiplication according to Genesis 1 - Lou Munilla
- The Frozen Chosen-Alden Ho
- What Vs How-Alden Ho
- The Sin Of Presumption - Alden Ho
- Ellen G. Why - Alden Ho
- The Solution to the Oil Crisis- Magda Ciocazan
- A Passion for God`s love in Jesus - Elder Charles White
- Four Boys in the White House - Elder Charles White
- Polegreen: Cradle of American Liberty, And the Role of Conscience - Roald Ramsey
- “Fear, Trust and the Judgment”- Lyle Harder
- Why I'm Praying for the Small Victories - Paul Munilla
- Concert - Stephanie Dawn
- The Only Verse You Need - Vincent Onkoba
- Who is God? - Dr. Tim Riesenberger
- God of My Fathers - Dr. Tim Riesenberger
- How to Live to One Hundred - Dr. Tim Riesenberger
- The Some That Gave All - Cameron Guild
- The Voice Behind You- Alvaro Sauza
- How Will the Lamb Become a Dragon?- Dennis Priebe
- What is a Seventh-Day Adventist? - Dennis Priebe
- How Inspired Was Ellen White?-Dennis Priebe
- The Main Ingredient- James Robins
- The Faith of Jesus - James Robins
- Finding the Key to Victory - Dr. Mark Sandoval
- Part 6: Experiencing a Love That Transforms - Dr. Mark Sandoval
- Overcoming Disease: Stories of Hope - Dr. Mark Sandoval
- Part 5 - Embracing the Pain That Heals
- Q&A - Dr. Mark Sandoval
- Part 4: How to be Free From the Past - Dr. Mark Sandoval
- Part 3: How to be Free From Loss - Dr. Mark Sandoval
- Part 2: Why I Take Things Personally - Dr. Mark Sandoval
- Part 1: Where Disease Really Comes From - Dr. Mark Sandoval
- - Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- The Grief Sessions Introduction
- "Plan for Success" Tom and Alane Waters
- "Cultural Confusion" Tom and Alane Waters
- "Skeletons in the Closet" Tom and Alane Waters
- Barriers In The Mind - Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- "Secrets of the Underworld and the Hidden History of Halloween." - Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- Antisocial Media, The Disconnected Childhood - Scott Ritsema
- How to be Human Again - Scott Ritsema
- You never win an enemy to Christ - pastor Myckal Morehouse
- How to Have a Happy Thanksgiving When You Aren't Happy or Thankful? - Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- COVID, The Seven Last Plagues, and God's Secret to Peace - Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- Lifestyle Witness - Skip Dodson
- Unsettling Into the Truth - Skip Dodson
- " Who's in Charge Here?"- Skip Dodson
- SJA Christmas Program
- "Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent"- Michael Lee
- Castle Valley Academy Christmas Program
- Hydrotherapy workshop
- Christmas Program 2022
- How to Talk to Anyone About Jesus
- The Most Controversial Baby Ever Born - Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- "Esther, End Time Events, and Preparing for the Final Crisis (Part 1)" - Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- Bible in a Year Challenge
- The Secret to Being Happy All the Time - Dr. Tim Riesenberger
- Secrets to Weight Loss Your Doctor May Not Be Telling You- Dr. Tim Rieserberger
- The Secret that Cures 95% of Diabetes- Dr. Tim Riesenberger
- Esther and the end time events- Part 2 -- Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- A new life through faith -- Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- Esther and End Time Events Part 3 -- Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- Darry Manning Memorial service
- Sabbath Communion -- January 28
- Pathfinder Sabbath
- "Exodus - Israel's Struggle with Faith"
- Saved by a Brother's Prayer - Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- Velma Bartholomew :Memorial Service
- How To Overcome Bitterness - Pastor Brian McMahon
- The Issue That Divides The World - Pastor Brian McMahon
- God's Test of Loyalty - Pastor Brian McMahon
- The Doorway To A New Life - Pastor Brian McMahon
- "Esther and the end. time events- part 4" Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- When Will You Speak In Tongues - Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- "Esther and End-Time Events - Part 5" Pastor Myckal Morehouse
- Good Clothes for Bad Weather - Paul Munilla
- " By the word of their testimony" - Pastor Myckal Morehouse With SJA Teachers+Students
- "Gods wrath, The seven last plagues, and the Everlasting Gospel" - Pastor Myckal Morehoues
- Ruthi Pick Memorial - April 15, 2023
- School
- Online Giving
- Contact Us
- Prayer Request
- Religious Liberty Weekend 2022
- Cooking with Judy
- Gardening 2022
- Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program - March 29, 2022
- Keeping The End in Mind
- Creation Seminar
- Our High Calling
- Preparedness
- Open House
- Family Camp Out 2022
- Vacation Bible School June 26 - 30, 2023
- Who is God?
- Herbal Training Class
- Fall 2022 Upcoming Events
- DARP 2022
- Reversing Disease
- The Grief Sessions
- Media On The Brain
- Basketball Clinic
- How To Future Proof Your Church
- Diabetes Undone
- Secrets To Great Health
- Upcoming Events - 2023
- Gardening Seminar 2023
- Bowled Over Cooking Class
- Prophecy Unsealed
- DARP-2023
- Spiritualistic Practices in Health & Healing
- Upcoming Events - Spring 2023
- Jaime Jorge
- Breathfree - Stop Smoking
- Vacation Bible School June 26-30, 2023
- Walt Cross
- Music Workshop with Dr. Erwin Nanasi
- Marching to Zion - Conrad Vine
- Asian Cooking
- Bookstore
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