Sandpoint Seventh-day Adventist Church

Sandpoint, Idaho

Law of Life Seminar

Health and Relationships: How do they Relate?

Diseases, anxiety and addictive behaviors in both children and adults are increasing rapidly. What is the cause? Can we prevent or eliminate them?

This seminar will help you dig deeper into understanding how our mind and body function. Learn how thoughts are developed and how to overcome bad habits. Explore topics on thought process, childhood education, critical thinking and overall health.

Seminar Topics

Friday:  Basic Human Needs, Is there a Hierarchy?

Saturday:  The Mind-Body Feedback Loop

Sunday:  Our Thoughts, The Control Center

Monday:  Origin of Our Thoughts

Tuesday:  Mother/Child Connection; Why do Children get Sick?

Wednesday:  Why Do We Lose Control to Gain Control?

Thursday:  Harnessing Our Thoughts and Behaviors

 Friday:  Family Construction, Purpose, and Role

 Saturday:  What is Our Motivating Force, and Solving Element


What Others Are Saying About The Seminar

  • This has been a life-changing experience, because I can understand now the issues of life. It has also helped me understand how wrong thinking causes sickness in our body.  
  • This has helped my marriage and other relationships blossom.  It has also greatly improved my children’s health. (Young Mother of 4).
  • It has given me hope to overcome my past and that I may be healed. It puts fresh hope into everyday thinking.
  • A whole new way of thinking that changed my life.  This has helped my relationships with my boss, my neighbors, my family and my God to grow.
  • I am pretty healthy at 72, but it has confirmed for me that one issue I have had for quite a while can be ‘fixed’ without drugs!
  • This message has given me the missing piece in my life.  It is freeing me. I have Good News to share!
  • I only wish I could have realized and learned this years ago, for I could have been spared much hurt and disease to my whole being! 
  • Dr. Mueller has come to Sandpoint at the perfect time.  I will take his research and apply the understanding to my life, my heart and my relationships.