This shows the demo of the mother's room. There were two posts supporting the balcony.
All supporting walls are removed and the support beam ready to place.
Beam being raised with beam lifts.
Beam in place.
This beam was engineered to support the balcony which gives a large open foyer.
Demo of the foyer side of the balcony wall.
Sheet rocked, taped, masked off and ready for texturing and painting.
From inside the mother's room.
Fellowship room with windows looking toward the slough.
Foam Insulating the walls
Darry foaming the ceiling.
Sheetrock going up.
Finished...This is going to be a wonderful meeting place.
Looking into the kitchen from the fellowship room showing the pantry and the Agape storage room.
Kitchen looking into the fellowship room showing the pass through.
Prepping the floor for the floor covering. I forgot to mention the wonderful view we will have...
Kitchen cabinets waiting to be installed.
This is the balcony as it was.
After consulting with two different AV firms, it was decided to build a wall to close off the foyer noise.
Here the side wall is framed.
Sheet rock was hung on the foyer side and over the top of the stairway. The organ closet has been sheet rocked, too.
Scaffold and a Genie lift makes the high work a little easier.
Our skilled workers are not afraid of the heights.
Side one is finished and setting up for the other side.
The framing is finished. Rock wool is being placed in the wall to stop the foyer noise. Sheet rock is almost finished.
All finished and waiting for the windows.
This window over the stairways allows the light from the balcony to shine into the foyer.
Setting the final window. I believe this turned out very well. I believe Bob's class will be very grateful when we return to the church.
These are the new cooling units for the fellowship addition.
New siding gives a nice fresh look to the building.
New stairs going up to the platform. These will go the full width of the platform.
Finished stairs with the box and conduit to accommodate the AV hook ups. One on each side of the platform and one in the middle.
Texture spraying one of the classroom.
Painting the ladies bathroom.
The SS teachers will love this stairway which replaces the old pull down, death defying, ceiling ladder used for decades to access the attic
Children's wing hallway ready for texturing and paint. The opening at the end of the hall leads to the stairway.
Carpet being laid in the classrooms along each side of the sanctuary.
Carpet being laid in the Pastor's and secretary's offices.
I'm not sure many will appreciate this picture. It shows the quality of the workmanship that is being put into this project.
Bill and Dakota re-installing the the light fixtures in the classrooms. All fixture are being fitted with LED bulbs.
All the doors are being refinished.
Cabinets are installed in the kitchen. Looking in from the dining room.
Looking toward the dining room.
This gentleman is templating for the counter tops.
Carpet is laid in all the classrooms. They are painted, too.